As head of DHS Kristi Noem vows to shoot illegal immigrants like the "misbehaving dogs they are."
"I will personally shoot them myself. I'm not about to spend taxpayer money sending them back to where they came from."
“As you know Tom, I have no human emotions. Nor do I feel any guilt when I blow away a misbehaving animal,” Kristi told me as I sat as far away from her as possible - but sadly not out of gunshot range.
She scares the shit out of me. She thinks nothing about blowing away small mammals. I suspect she makes soup out of the remains.
This undoubtedly was the stupidest thing I have ever done - having a chat with a Trump sycophant gun freak who could very well blow my head off for purring.
Where most decent human beings love the sound of a purring cat, apparently Kristi finds it irritating And from what I have been able to determine - things that Kristi finds irritating do not last long.
She doesn’t even bother to bury the remains - she leaves them where they fall hoping that they are eaten by larger animals or end up in a MAGAt frying pan.
And now the Trump sycophant may be heading up the DHS.
Freaking terrifying. She may look nice and kind but beware - she’s always carrying a weapon.
#AdoptDontShop #SlavaUkraini #HeroyamSlava
Note - instead of a paid subscription to my posts, please donate the money to an animal welfare organization. (e.g. ASPCA etc). or better yet- adopt a rescue animal.
Winter is here and shelters desperately need the money and forever homes.