Grocery stores discover yet another way to avoid paying wages
The self-scan and bag your own groceries was only the beginning
Remember a short time ago when going to get groceries was a relatively simple matter.
Then came ‘bring a bag and pack your own purchases’.
A bit of a pain in the ass but livable.
Well these mega-stores are playing with yet another way to avoid hiring and paying staff.
Staff stocking the shelves is soon to become a thing of the past.
Several large grocery chains are playing with the idea of having customers stock the shelves.
The plan is to lay out the products still in the box direct from the manufacturer- lay them out in the appropriate aisles and let the customers rummage through the boxes to find household necessities.
A president of one of these chain grocery stores told me, “Yup cat. It won’t be long before our customers will be replacing even more staff.
“We’re toying with the idea of having our patrons clean the stores. Those floors get pretty sticky after a few hours. If they don’t like the filthy, sticky floors they can give them a quick wash to avoid losing their footwear during a visit to one of our super-no-frills store.
“We’ve crunched the numbers and the average shopper will save almost a dollar on each trip to one of our no-frills stores.
“And by the way - we will continue to charge for grocery carts and will introduce ‘pay parking lots’.
“We’re positive our customers will grow to love this new way of feeding their families - the same way they grew to love scan and pay for your groceries. We will be requiring payment by credit or banking cards.
“We really can’t be bothered with counting cash at the end of a shift.”
#AdoptDontShop #SlavaUkraini #HeroyamSlava
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Winter is here and shelters desperately need the money and forever homes.
Tom, what’s the story with Trudeau stepping down? Did he just decide it was the better option than trying to deal with the orange felon? There was something odd with this . I never understood why he went to meet with the felon at the gaudy place in Florida called Mar a Lardo. Just curious, trump seems to have kompromat on everyone, just look at Lyndsey Graham. So just trying to get to the bottom of it. I have always liked Trudeau but I certainly can’t blame him if he wants some distance between himself and trump. I sure do. Do you have any insight on this?
I’m sure they’ll add the 3-5% on the credit card transaction too. So much for savings.