How much more of American life is going to be wasted on Trump?
C'mon man - it's been over two years
Now I’m just a cat, and as such I love wasting time.
Just watch any feline for a full day - you won’t see much of anything that you would call productive time. Oh sure - we might catch a mouse or a house fly but that’s pretty much it - a full working day for a house cat.
It’s still more productive that the glacial pace we’re witnessing in the American ‘justice system’ dealing with the grifter Trump.
He’s stolen your money and now he’s stealing your time, time out of your short life-span, time which you don’t get back.
Not to mention the stolen American lives - to wit - the mentally challenged low IQ humans he has claimed under the Trump banner. I’m going to go out on the ledge here and suggest that most, if not all, MAGAt soldiers do not have jobs and as such are non-contributors to the “American way”.
Sure - some of them may have been previously employed but I’m guessing most have quit their jobs to ‘Support the Orange’ - relying on a spouse to bring home the daily bread.
Or, judging by their manner of dress and lack of personal hygiene, perhaps they were never employed. Either way, both groups seem laser focused on reinstating TFG to the Oval Office.
How much longer will this shit go on? At this point, I do not see an end to it on the horizon.
I’m just a feline, and as such I have a relatively short life span when compared to you two-legs, but I would sure like it if you guys could wrap up this immovable media feast and get back to living before I shuffle off this mortal coil.
Trump is stealing your lives.
Fuck this.