Proud Boys outraged at Tucker for calling them a 'well-behaved group of sight-seeing tourists'
"He's whacked. He doesn't have a clue. Just look at his eyes - we had a dog with that look - we had to put him down."
"He’s whacked. He doesn't have a clue. Just look at his face - we had a dog with that look - we had to put him down." - Pissed off Proud Boy member referring to Tucker Carlson.
Tucker Carlson is under fire from a group of Proud Boys and other Incels who feel insulted that Carlson called them ‘harmless tourists just enjoying a visit to the nation’s Capitol’.
“Doesn’t he know how much planning and preparation went into executing ‘Operation January 6th’?
“And how difficult it was to plan. The majority of Proud Boys are well known by law enforcement and are under surveillance 24/7. We had to have our planning meetings in 5-Star Trump Hotels, and we were required to stay in those hotels. $1400 a night. $15 for a cheese sandwich. If you wanted a burger it was $25 - no drink, no fries. Those were extra. We were forced to buy Trump Water. No bathroom tissue - we had to buy Trump Paper Towels from the hotel. Once we checked in we weren’t allowed to leave until insurrection time.
“It was all very expensive. And the sex workers in the lobby - also very expensive, and they don’t take no for an answer.
“But I must admit that a lot of our Incels went home real happy. Until they started arresting us and most of us did a bit of time in prison.
“But our Incels refer to it as the best time of their lives, and most would do it again, myself included. If I’m not incarcerated, that is.
“Can’t wait till ‘24.”
I asked him if they would do it again.
“Oh, you betcha. Trump is still our guy. We should be taking lessons from him. I can’t believe he’s still free. We Proud Boys are studying him closely to learn how to avoid prison. He should be teaching this at the university level. He should reopen Trump U.”
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