"The media does not want me to be the nominee" - DeSantis
Even though he is getting more media attention than any other candidate, DeSantis feels slighted
GOP logic. Go figure.
One of the MSMs most covered GOP presidential candidates was heard whining that the big bad media - who has covered DeSantis’ every utterance and passing of wind for months now - Ronny is complaining that the 4th Estate does not want him to be nominated.
Of course they don’t. They’re doing their job.
He’s a freaking Nazi loon gone wild. He’s a mental hospital patient who, in the middle of a lobotomy, got bored and left the OR before the procedure was complete.
This guy is running around with half a brain.
He is not popular and he seems to be cognisant of that fact. So he called in reinforcements - his wife Casey.
Now at first glance Casey appears to be fairly amicable - good looking, semi-literate, constant organiser and reorganiser. She keeps organising group after group to support her husband - whom I am positive she will divorce after this shit show is over.
Anyway, another short one today, Nick is still packing for our move to Saigon and he ‘needs’ me to reorganise everything he’s packed. I love doing this.
Of course once I’m done he has to redo everything and I crawl off to nap. A cat’s work is never done.
Which reminds me, the litter needs reorganising.
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