Apr 22, 2023Liked by Tom a pissed off cat

SCOTUS - upheld the pill, not the ban. partly shocked, partly think maybe survival instincts kicked in to save those morons from their own stupidity. and I've deleted all kinds of inappropriate things from this note several times so I'll leave it at that.

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I've got the feeling we are a long way from an ending to this retro shit show - esp with a presidential election (and all that entails( in the offing. As a man I have been reluctant to touch this topic. There are far better, more qualified people to do that. i.e. Alexandra Petri. But this issue has been driving me mad. Can't believe it's 2023 and we're still at it. My whole freaking life.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Tom a pissed off cat

Retro Response - I grok, - but answer this question, if a person does not have autonomy over their own body and health, are they free? frankly I have always thought it a question of slavery. as an adult no one, not even a doctor should be able to dictate my health choices. No One, especially NOT the government. okay just my point of view.

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Cannot agree more! I'd love to see GOP men's reaction to a bill that bans the little blue pills. And masturbation - men are wasting babies - preventing a potential baby from born.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Tom a pissed off cat

LOL, right how would you catch them, and what's the penalty, neutering? yeah right, oh what a wonderful world it would beeeeeeeee.... one can still hope I guess.

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I like the idea of neutering. Let’s just do one testicle at a time after month we do the second.

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Or even better half a testicle at a time. Bet you that would hurt enough that they would not forget.

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