Jun 10Liked by Tom a pissed off cat

Trump’s speeches are a good diet! His words make you nauseous!

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Jun 10Liked by Tom a pissed off cat

I read an interesting article the other week that was spot on correct...... Dumpster Fire doesn't have donors, he only has investors. Specifically oligarchs, oil and gas barrons, CEOs from high-profile investment companies. They "invest" in Dumpster because he has promised them he will reduce and or eliminate regulations for them , so they can rob mother earth and the middle class even more..... open up new territories for fracking, oil and gas, get rid of all green initiatives, reduce their taxes, etc.

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Jun 10Liked by Tom a pissed off cat

Oh, that shriveled hot-dog-skin of an ex-Prez is enough to turn the entire world vegetarian. 😂

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